I suppose that's not all you need to know. There are other important notes to make, like......

I have loved this devastatingly handsome man.
For six years.
And we are getting married
on September 12th, 2009.
{cute, huh?}
<<----- I kind of like this, too.
For as long as I can remember, I have cared about our environments. My earliest evidence of this is a piece of notebook paper from kindergarten which makes a variety of promises, such as "I will not kill endangered species" and "I will not hurt a tree". I'll have to scan it for you sometime, so you can see how undeniably adorable I was.
I'm getting two Masters degrees.... they're both environmental-y.
Because I believe in clean air, and clean water, and healthy people.
.....And because I believe we should be doing things a little differently.
Like my wedding, for instance. You know how much weddings cost these days. $25 grand? Are you kidding?! Well, when Mark and I got engaged last April, that was the first thing that had to go. This 23 year old will be paying for the wedding herself (mostly!) on top of her everyday needs, and grad school expenses.
Don't pity me. It means that I get to call the shots (though, as I've found over the past 9 months, this isn't entirely true) and that I have every reason to make my wedding what I want it. Total budget? 8 grand. Still exorbitant in my mind.... really exorbitant. I am selfish. But, I am from Mississippi, and if Mississippi does anything right, it's throwing a wedding. So in the grand tradition of Southern women, I too will have a wedding.
On top of this is the challenge of making my wedding as environmentally and socially conscious as possible. We all know green is more expensive, right? And, I'm sure you've figured out that Mississippi is not the hub of the environmental movement. So, how will I do it?
My blog will chronicle these adventures and more. Stay tuned......
HI! thanks so much for posting all of this information. You and I are strangely connected. You see, my family lives in Washington state (Olympia) and my partners family lives in Yazoo City near Jackson. I know that this is old information (as in your wedding is done), but I have so many questions for you if you are willing to answer. I am looking to hold the ceremony near Jackson/Vicksberg area and have been searching and searching on line not being familiar with the MS area. If you are willing to email/talk Id appreciate it. My email is kernicholson@yahoo.com